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AudioWaves and Triangle - together for 25 years!


November SALE! 30% off available finishes



new Triangle Signature Delta

Stereophile Class A Recommended!

From Hi-Fi + November 2013 review:
"Triangle hasn’t taken the easy route with the Signature Delta, either in the
development or in making a ‘safe’ bland sound. Instead, Triangle has made
a loudspeaker that excels in passion and grace and fire. You get the feeling
with this speaker, perhaps more than any other at its price, that you don’t get
to choose it, it gets to choose you. This is a loudspeaker that comes with a
bonding process, and once that happens, there’s no turning back."

From What Hi-Fi June 2014 review:
"These speakers (Signature Delta) are brilliant at conveying the momentum of a piece of music, communicating changes of pace with breathtaking ease.
Add this terrific timing ability to the strong dynamics and impressive resolution and you have speakers that are capable of standing toe-to-toe with the very best of the opposition."
Our Verdict:
"If you value excitement and entertainment, these Triangles should be at the top of your shortlist." *****

From John Atkinson's Stereophile September 2014 review:
JA praised the Delta's resolution and clarity, and the low frequencies had "excellent pace and force" and "(a) propulsive way with well-recorded rock." Compared to other speakers recently auditioned: "But none of them equals the Triangle Signature Delta in jump factor, and the fact that the Delta achieves this without compromising neutrality...is indeed commendable. Unless you like your music tame and uninvolving, this is a speaker well worth an audition."
Read the full review
In the March 2015 Stereophile, JA adds, "The Triangle speaker opened my ears to what could be achieved with a very different approach," (from the 'British sound'), "still low-coloration, but high sensitivity, impressive clarity, and a hefty dose of what J. Gordon Holt called 'jump factor' in which leading edges of transients are neither smeared or tamed."


Signature Delta in Hi-Gloss Mahogany
shown with and without grill cover
Stereophile Class A Recommended!

Hi-Fi + review
What Hi-Fi review
Stereophile review

$8500 retail -
30% off available finishes


new Signature Delta in Piano Black and Hi-Gloss White
$8500 retail


new Signature Alpha in Hi-Gloss Mahogany, Piano Black and Hi-Gloss White

$10,500 retail -
30% off available finishes


Signature Theta in Hi-Gloss Mahogany, Piano Black and Hi-Gloss White

$4500 retail -
30% off available finishes

audiofi.net review
"Beautiful to look at, elegantly finished and sounding very lifelike and musical. Triangle has a real winner here... If you’re in the market for a standmount with an impeccably lifelike and musical sound, the Theta Signature should be high up on your shortlist."

tone audio review
"If you’d love a gorgeous pair of standmount speakers...and looking for something a bit different than what everyone else might be listening to, seek out the Thetas. They stand out in the crowd."


new Signature Gamma in Hi-Gloss Mahogany, Piano Black and Hi-Gloss White

$2500 retail -
30% off available finishes





For more information on Triangle Signature Loudspeakers click here



send PayPal payment to: audiowaves@aol.com - or request an invoice via email - add 7.75% sales tax for California only

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