Featured Product





from Finland


new Argon3S

For increased midrange clarity and tight, tuneful, low reaching bass, the new Argon3S has the passive radiator technology from the studio monitor line up. The final voicing has been optimized to bring maximum joy from your favorite recordings. Argento binding posts along with silver plated pure copper internal wiring ensure a flawless signal transfer.

the Argon3 has been one of the most revered bookshelf speakers. Now the sound quality and emotional involvement will be raised to a new level.

reviews of the Argon3:

"The finest-sounding bookshelf speaker I’ve ever reviewed for the SoundStage! Network. If you value hearing exactly what’s on your CDs and LPs, then you’ll want speakers that just get out of the way and let the music speak for itself, and you’ll need to hear Amphion’s Argon3. Argon3 is a right choice for those who like to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
Philip Beaudette, www.Soundstage.com
read the review

"The bass is surprisingly meaty, yet not overblown or exaggerated, for a standmount. The midrange is almost electrostatic-like in this clarity while the treble is natural enough to leave me struggling to find things to say about it. I think this is the new bookshelf to beat at a price."
Alan Sircom, Hifi+

"The best nearfield-speakers I have ever heard!"
Günter Pauler, www.stockfisch-records.de



Argon3S in Walnut
$2700/pr retail


Argon3S in White
$2500/pr retail


Argon3S Full White
$2500/pr retail

Argon3S in Black
$2500/pr retail



2-way, passive radiator
Tweeter: 1" titanium integrator
Mid / woofer: 6,5" aluminium
Crossover: 1600 Hz
Impedance: 8 ohm
Sensitivity: 87 dB
Frequency response: 30 - 25,000 Hz +/- 6 dB
Power recommendation: 20 - 150 W
Measurements (h x w x d): 15" x 7.5" x 12.25"
Weight: 26 pounds
Colours: black, white, full white and veneer wood walnut

U/D/D stands for Uniformly Directive Diffusion. By creating even dispersion the anomalies caused by wall, floor and ceiling reflections are minimized. This allows the listener to hear less of their room and more of their music.

Also available from Amphion
Argon0 more info
$1000/pr retail in black or white
Argon1 more info $1400/pr black or white / $1500/pr walnut
Argon3LS more info $3939/pr black or white / $4310/pr walnut
Argon5C more info $1200 in black or white / $1300 in walnut
Argon7LS more info $4700/pr black or white / $5000/pr walnut
Helium 410 more info $800/pr retail in black or white
Helium 510 more info $1000/pr retail in black or white


For more information on Amphion click here


send PayPal payment to: audiowaves@aol.com - or request an invoice via email - add 7.75% sales tax for California only

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